See the world differently

See how drone photography can enhance your web site to make the
ordinary look far more interesting to engage your audience

UHD Video Quality

Shooting up to 4K video we work with you to plan your session. We create a visual  flight plan so you can be confident to get the shot you are looking for.


Fully Insured

We operate with specialist drone insurance which is Fully compliant with EC 785/2004.


Digital Editing

All footage can be edited and combined to create a ready to use video clip with your web site or video sharing platform.


CAA Approved

Top Dog Digital and its pilots have been tested and approved by the CAA and hold a permission to fly commercial operations (PfCO)


Check out our showreel


The Secret of Success

Although drones are magnificent, they are also potentially dangerous. This is why we operate a strict set of proceedures to ensure every flight is carried out with safety firmly at the top of the agenda.


Prior to your flight, we plan your mission using satelite images, maps and aviation charts to ensure the mission can be carried out safely. We then produce a visual flight plan detailing the shooting sequence.


The UK is covered by many restricted  zones. For flights within or near these zones we would obtain the neseccary permissions to carry out your mission.

Permissions may extend to your neighbouring residents or businesses.


On the day we fly your mission we work with you to carry out the flight safely. This would mean a closer inspection of the intended flight plan to ensure nothing has changed which may affect the mission.

We also secure the takeoff and landing site and brief anyone close to operations the intention of the mission and any emergency/safety instructions.

We then carryout the shooting sequence to capture the images and video you require.

How can a drone
work for me?

There are many applications where using a drone will save time and money. From photography, property promotion, construction and farming there are many ways we can help you achieve your goals.

Take a look at the applications and if you have another we would be happy to hear about it.


Say Hello

If you would like to know more about how a drone can enhance your business then please complete the following form or call us on 01284 848048

    The bigger picture 

    The drone service forms part of Top Dog Digitals offering, so if you are looking for top quality digital services such as web site & print design, marketing support, search engine optimisation and email marketing we have a focused web site for this.

    Please click the link below and see how we can be of service.

    Learn More about Top Dog Digital