Video Quality

UHD Video

Our drones are equipped with a Ultra High Definition 4k cameras. This ensures the source footage is of exceptional quality. This means your production is sharp and contains the definition required to capture all the detail. These days almost all camera phones and action cameras shoot at 4k so don’t settle for less with your drone footage.

Shutter Speed

The important factor when shooting from a drone is its shutter speed, you need this to be fast enough to create crisp blur free video. In combination with the ISO setting of the camera the combination of these two settings are needed to balance the light coming through the lens. Using the camera correctly ensures the footage is correctly exposed at all times.

Visual Planning

To get the correct images and footage we plan each operation carefully. We produce an easy to follow visual plan which shows the flight in detail and the shots we are aiming to achieve. We create this plan in advance during the pre-site survey and using maps, charts, Google and streetview. Some operations may require an inspection to ensure we know the lie of the land. You receive this plan prior to the operation so you can be confident of how the flight will be conducted. Creative Process First and foremost our pilots are designers, with that comes creativity and visionary thinking. There are some great pilots out there who can fly their dones and capture video, however, they may not be mindful of the final production and could miss the opportunity to make your footage even more special.