Digital Editing

Editing Software

Using ultra fast computers we are capable of editing upto 8k footage. The software we prefer to use is Adobe’s Premiere Pro. This application gives us full control over the quality of the edit allowing multiple video and audio channels to be combined using a multitude of effects and colour grading to get the right result.

Premiere also works closely with other software packages such as Photoshop and Illustrator allowing the combination of graphics and still photography within your production. Finally we can employ After Effects to create movie quality effects.

Typically, every production needs to tell a story, we will work with you and indeed are more than happy for you to sit with our editor as the director to ensure your final movie hits all the right notes.

Footage from Any Source

We can take footage from any source, your phone, video camera, Go Pro and of course drone cameras. Depending on the size and quality of the source footage we can manipulate and normalise the quality so the final rendered video looks consistant.

Our team can help you acheive great results by working with you to plan a shoot, storyboards are a great place to start and ensures that we capture everything you want to include.

Music and Sound Effects

Videos are much better when the sound is of equal quality to the video content. Using music and sound effects can dramatically improve the experience of your viewer.

We always advocate keeping within the copyright laws and as such using royalty free sources always keeps you out of hot water – so you can be confident of sharing your media without waiting for the phone call demanding royalties.

Using a comprehensive library of royalty free music we can help you provide the correct ambiance. Again our digital editing and mixing skills allows matching the tempo of the video with its sound track to studio quality.

If you need voice over or specially recorded sound we have the studio grade equipment to help you with this. Also if you need us to find a voice over artist we can arrange that too.

Publishing Your Video

Once you have a beautifully created video you will want to share this with your audience. These days this is incrediblly easy with YouTube and Vimeo and other video sharing platforms. We will help by publishing your video directly to your chosen platform.

This will save you time as high definition video files can be rather large and therefore passing these about can be time consuming.